Monday, March 16, 2009


Everyone has had a moment (or two) in life where forgiveness has either been asked of or needed. People say, "oh, just forgive and forget" or "all's forgiven".
Well, the word "FORGIVE" has been heavy on my heart lately. Really almost consuming. I don't know if it's ME that needs FORGIVEN or if FORGIVENESS needs to be asked of me. Probably and most likely, it's both. Sometimes this comes easy and other times it's the hardest thing anyone can ask, or give. I wonder if it's easier to just say "sorry" or "I love you" or even an "I've missed you". Hmmm. I have some thinking to do. I think maybe this quote I found a while back can help me...

Forgiveness is the economy of the heart... forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.
~Hannah More~

1 comment:

amyshepherd said...

Forgiveness... easier said than done.