Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is why...

I haven't been blogging much. Ok, hardly at all. I feel a kind of pressure to be ON when I blog. I want to entertain whomever is reading my blog. I feel like in some ways I need to be as good as my fellow bloggers and that my blog should be pretty and full of life and pics and antidotes of life. But here's the deal, I don't always feel ON and as a matter of fact when I'm alone and quiet THAT is when I don't feel any pressure to be anything or anyone other than just me. So with no apologies, I will allow myself to just BE. To just relax and not worry about being pretty or funny or lively or profound. I'm just going to wing it...hell, I'm too old to be worrying about such silly things for crying out loud. Pics may be posted, or may not. The funny story about what Dallas said the other day may be kept in my noggin. The sweet moments that Ches and I have talking may or may not make it to public knowledge. And the thoughts I have about family, marriage, friends and all things random may be blurted and blogged at a time when I can flail my arms about and tell you in person. But to all of you that have those pretty blogs and such, please don't take it that I'm goofing on you, I'm not at all! Please keep it up if you see fit. I love LOVE going to your blog and reading and seeing what you and yours are up to. I just have to throttle my worried lil brain back to a comfort zone. I know it's in there somewhere.

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