Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fog from long ago

Ok Friends, While going through some old stuff on Myspace (I barely remembered my password!) I came across this blog and it made me giggle so I thought I'd share it again here.

I HATE the fog...
Two phobias...that's it. Clowns and fog. I had to drive in fog this a.m. It was just a quick little trip, but still!!

It seriously creeps me out. It's not so much what's in front of me, I mean, I do have headlights. It's the stuff to the sides and behind me that really get me!!!!! But here's where it gets funny>>>>>>

I jumped out of the car and did a mad dash for the back door so I could be back in the non~foggy safety of my own home when what happens kiddies???

The only thing that could happen TO ME, IN THE FREAKIN FOG>>>>>>

As I'm making that mad dash, I turn my head cause I thought I heard something and....


Bam, right into the back door!

I'm not bleeding, nothings broken. Stop laughing.

Enjoy your day :)

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