Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shh. Listen.

Just feel like it... because it makes me really happy to think of it in my head, and I don't want to forget any of it: I am presenting My List of Favorite Sounds.

(In no particular order)
1. The sound of a guitar string as the hand playing it slides quickly across to reach another chord.
2. A fan lulling me to sleep. Every night for years and years.
3. The sound of a soft rain hitting the already plump ground.
4. Dallas' giggle. Infectious and pure.
5. The sounds of my sleeping children. Slow, rhythmic breathing.
6. Silence.
7. The hisspop of eggs frying.
8. The quiet hush right before a movie starts.
9. The sound of cicadas outside my window in the summer.
10. The bubbling of boiling water.
11. The sound you can hear when you block out the ruckus of a train: that rhythm of clickclack, clickclack.
12. The word Puma.
14. People speaking another language (French or Spanish only, please) so fast that all I hear is exoticity, flamboyance, elegance, and beauty.
15. When someone says I love you and you know they mean it more than the words.
16.  Rock Chalk Jayhawk chant.
17. The crackling of a fire, the flow of the Walnut River, and my family and friends laughing while at the Boxcar.
18. The sigh after my daughter laughs.
19. The beginning of a story I've heard my husband tell a million times.
20. A favorite song in it's first three chords.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

laura mcpherson said...

Love your lists!! #12 and #17 are my favorites :) Speaking of... Birthday?!?!