Saturday, September 10, 2011


What Would Mary Poppins Do? I find that asking myself this question in all the rounded corners of my life really does help.

 D is disappointed about us not buying another Nerf gun for him.

 Somebody is rude to me at work or Heaven forbid I get a human to help me whilst on the phone to some company that I've been on hold with for 152424bajillion minutes.

(Ok, I exagerate a little on the being kept on hold.. But just a little)

 Or it could be just one of those piss in my cheerios kinda days where nothing seems to go right for me.

 I just ask myself WWMPD? ;) I find I can then breath, straighten my back, smile, think kind, gentle and gracious thoughts and control the anger within.
(Insert semi evil laugh here..BAHAHAHA) 

 So, let's face it... No one can ever outwit Mary Poppins because she is fully in control and one step ahead of the game all of the time.  And if I choose to take it all with a *spoon full of sugar* surely, everything will be ok in the end and go down waaay easier. Right?
 Hell yeah.

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