Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!?!

PSHYEAH!!! I am SOOO ready! September is one of my very fave months! Hello...Football season starts AND Bluegrass?! Does it get any better? Not to mention David's BDay is in September as well. And I LOVE Fall. Love.It. Don't know why. Don't care to figure it out. Just Love it.

Ches and Miranda are cheering again this year and Ches is Co~Captain of the squad so she's got a lot of responsibility but she can handle it! The girls are practicing very hard and are doing a great job. PLUS, they both play volleyball and have that practice as well. Dang. Busy all the time.

Dallas got off to his first day of school. *tear* It was sweet. He was so brave and just ready to go. David and I spent a couple of days there to be with him and see him off. And Lawrence is ALWAYS a dang good time. And for those of you who don't know...Mass St. is AWESOME and one day I will LIVE on that street. (So sayeth ME) Anyhow, all is well. Kids are great. Bluegrass is around the corner...3rd weekend of September for you non~knowers...Football and VB schrimage this Thursday at OHS...and Dallas comes home this weekend!!

Life is GOOD. oh...and more pics to come, it's late and I'm pooped!!

1 comment:

laura mcpherson said...

I am so ready for some football... high school, college and NFL! Bring it on, and bring on the FALL!

Can't wait to be all cozied in with our bluegrass family in just a few short days :)