Monday, September 8, 2008

Love.Plain and simple.

Having babies is easy. Being a PARENT is work. And I take my job very seriously. It's something I don't have to question, I don't need reassurance, I don't even need a pat on the back. I KNOW I'm a good mom. My children KNOW that I am there for them in all manners. They KNOW I am on their side, I will protect them, I will teach them, I will LOVE them. Here's where I'm trying to go with this. Ches and Miranda got grounded yesterday. I'm not going to say why, it's personal for them and I respect that they are embarrassed by it so I won't share the "why"... I was just about done with the "lecture" part of their punishment and told them this, "I am very proud of you both. You're both very kind, sweet, and loving girls and I love you both more everyday." Chesney says..."How could you?" "We (insert their actions here), how could you still be proud of us and love us so much?" To which I say, "My love can never be taken away. Even on the days when my patience is tried and I have been disappointed, the times when I'm so frustrated that I want to pull my hair out, I will love you forever. And then some." "I'm proud that you are embarrassed, it shows humility. I'm proud that you are sorry, it shows accountability." For a million reasons more I love my kids. A Mother's love for her children knows no bounds. It's stronger than steel. It's forever. It's UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Now back to the babies being easy thing. I'm not saying that BABIES themselves are easy. That's a lot of work. A LOT. That is a difficult job. I've been there done that. I don't want it to seem like I'm saying the parents of babies don't have a clue what their in for. Quite the opposite. I'm just saying, looking back on the "baby days" ahhhh, sweet memories! Hold on tight to the moments that they look at you with sleepy eyes, the baby speak that only mom and dad understand, the soft smell of their skin...this list could go on forever. Time flies, hold tight and teach them, show them, give them all the love you can every moment that you can.

I'm such a sap today. Not sure if this post will make any sense or if it will just seem like I'm rambling. I just wanted to write this... something... down. Just something to say that being a parent is hard work. But it's the single most exhilerating, gratifying, heart racing, jump for joy thing I have ever or will ever do. And for whatever comes next, bring it on. I've got this whole being a mom thing down. I'm loving every minute of it. Unconditionally.

1 comment:

laura mcpherson said...

What a sweet, sweet post! Thanks for the reminder to hold on tight to these baby days :)

You are an awesome mom with wonderful, loving & well-grounded children AND you do deserve a pat on the back!