Thursday, January 13, 2011

Conversations with Bubby

Dallas and I were watching a movie a couple weeks ago, cuddled on the couch.  Well, actually he's stretched out over my lap so I can scratch his back for just 5 more minutes. (note: 5 more mintues means scratch his back til he falls asleep)
Anyway, it's an older movie with a bit of  Mafia type stuff in it.  Bank robberies,  jewelry heists and car chases abound.  I have a habit of asking questions during movies and that night was no exception...

Me: "Hey Bub,  Why do you think those Mobsters have such nice cars?"
Bubby: "Cause sometimes crime pays, Yaya."
God, I love that kid.

1 comment:

Laura said...

From the mouths of babes...I love it!! Even better is snuggle time on the couch with them :)