Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Have you ever?

Have you ever noticed that the one time you don't check your order before leaving the fast food drive-thru lane is when they screw everything up?

Have you ever noticed that your bladder will demand to be emptied the minute you get in the car and swing that seat belt over your shoulder and click it in? I gotta pee I gotta pee I gotta pee!

Have you ever figured out the reason why your sandwich tastes funny AFTER you took a large bite of peanut butter and jelly on moldy bread? If you know me, you know what I did to remedy that situation.

Have you ever spent nearly $40 filling your gas tank at $2.75 a gallon, only to drive around the block and see the other station is selling it for $2.69 and get really, really irritated at those lost cents? Hello? That would have bought me a pack of gum.

Have you ever assumed a friend let one after smelling something rancid, and later realized the origin on the smell was something you stepped in? Stupid neighbor's cats.

Have you a pair of favorite socks? And maybe you feel out of sorts all day if you're not wearing them?

Have you ever made a phone call to Friend A only to accidentally call Friend B instead and have them answer the phone and it confuse the crap out of you, enough so for you to pull the phone from your ear and look at it as if IT did something wrong?

Have you ever taken a drink expecting it to be Tea and it was water? Gross. (Refer to drive thru screw up)

I'm thinking this may be a good idea to write about in future posts...hmm? More to come.

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