Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How much for a pair of jeans?!?!

Yesterday was the big day. Yes folks, I'm talking about SCHOOL CLOTHES SHOPPING DAY.
Call me crazy, but I actually really like this day. The excitement, the runnin' til your're ragged, the "Oh hell no you are not wearing that...EVER", and the ever popular, "How much? Do I look like I'm made of money? $100 for a pair of ripped up jeans?!" Anyways, David lucked out and was at work all day so it was off too the mall and Target we went. "WE" consisits of Chesney, Dallas, Miranda, my Mom and Dad and yours truly. My parents have long been friends to the "kids clothes fund". It's something that they have helped out with dollar wise since Ches was little. (Hallelujah!!!) I'll keep this short and sweet tho cause we spent a good 6 or so hours in and out of EVERY single teen/juniors store in the mall and Target! Taking a break to eat an awesome lunch at Old Chigago to refuel of course. Here's the girls with their mouths not full of food or saying "how cute...love it...ooh, I want this one...or does it come in yellow or green?"

I came out alive. So did the wallet. And so did Dallas as this was his first foray into the wonderful world of school clothes shopping. He made out, too! Tons of "awesome rocker guy stuff" as he put it!

One month til school starts!!!!


Laura said...

Oh, how fun!! I wish I could still go on school clothes shopping trips and buy myself new clothes! Sounds like you had a great time :)

Laura said...

Janet would LOVE one of those necklaces!! Contact Erin at the vintage pearl & tell her I sent you. She'll hook you up with something perfect!!!